The Future and Commercialisation of Science and Innovation are fundamental to the economic growth of the UK and its economy.
Following previous successful years in Manchester (2016, 2017 & 2024), Leeds (2019 & 2023), Birmingham (2021) and Edinburgh (2022) the Business of Science Conference is delighted to be returning to Liverpool where it was previously hosted in 2019.
Liverpool has developed and changed in the last six years, with an organised and sophisticated culture of science and innovation supported by both the private and public sectors. This collaboration has been driven through LKQ (the Liverpool Knowledge Quarter) and it is wholly fitting that the Conference will be held at the centre of LKQ; The Spine Building, which is the epitome of construction innovation delivering an environment dedicated to the commercialization of science and the people involved.
The Conference will encourage debate and collaboration around Commercialization, AI, People and Place, Skills and Talent and specific scientific advances along with their impact on the future.
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