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10 Sep 2024 / 9:30 am - 11:00 am

Business Strategy: Assessing and Developing your Business Model



A business model is a company’s profit-making plan. It defines the products or services it will sell, its target market, and any expected costs.

Has your organisation got a strong handle on it’s business model? Does your organisation regularly assess, review and improve your busines model? Would you like to learn more about how to assess, improve and potentailly pivot your business model and be given the tools to be able to do this?

The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management template used for developing new business models and documenting existing ones.It offers a visual chart with elements describing a firm’s or product’s value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances, assisting businesses to align their activities.

The University of Liverpool Management School would like to invite thirty local SME business leaders to join this FREE Business Strategy Workshop, where you will explore, understand and use the Business Model Canvas tool to improve how you do business.

What you will learn

Understand your business model and identify where you can improve it. Learn how to use a great tool for collaborative working; map out how you do things and experiment with alternative ways of delivering value to your customers.

Register here