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18 Mar 2025 / 8:30 am - 9:00 am

Help to Grow Programme: Information event for SME business leaders



Are you a decision maker looking to enhance your growth strategy? Are you facing challenges that you and your team are unable to address? Is your business ready to tackle the challenges caused by the pandemic and position for the future?

Help to Grow: Management is a 90% government funded 12-week programme that is being delivered by University of Liverpool Management School, with input from and access to business growth experts and experienced company leaders. We are running several cohorts throughout 2024. Each cohort is strictly limited to 30 places for SME business leaders across Merseyside, Cheshire, Lancashire and North Wales.

Accredited by the Small Business Charter, the Management School is offering this 12-week practical programme, which covers all aspects of management, including finance and strategies for growth and innovation. The course offers businesses 1-1 mentorship. Participants will finish the course with a tailored business growth plan.

Join other small business leaders for this 30-minute online taster event. Hear about what the programme covers, what you’ll learn, how it works and what you can expect your business to achieve as a result. There will also be an opportunity to meet members of the Help to Grow delivery team, ask questions, and get support with your application if you need it.

Register here