This event is specifically for science and technology companies in the North West region.
There are limited places at the event and therefore organisers will confirm your place via a separate email.
Regional universities are key partners to Sci-Tech Daresbury in bringing support and expertise to technology companies in areas such as:
- Access student and graduate talent
- Collaborative Research & Development (CR&D) and access to funding
- Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP)
- Licensing Technology and Spin-outs
- Workforce training and development
Therefore this event is designed to help technology companies better understand the breadth of support available to them and how they can best take advantage of this. It will be done through two mechanisms:
- Short session highlighting 4 company case studies through a combination of interview, expert panel and Q&A from the audience.
- Exhibition enabling you to meet with representatives from 6 regional universities and Innovate UK to explore potential areas of support and collaboration.