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14 Feb 2025 / 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Wellbeing in the workplace with Fiona Gill

St Helens Library,
Chalon Way East, St Helens
WA10 1BX (see map)


Join Fiona Gill, holistic therapist and student counsellor for a wonderful talk on wellbeing

As a holistic therapist and student counsellor with my own business Fiona is extremely passionate about the importance of self care and prioritising your own wellbeing.

However she can also relate to and understand the demands of our busy lives which can often feel overwhelming and as though we are spinning many plates.

Her talk will focus taking care of your well being both in the work place as well as in life in general in order to achieve a healthier work life balance.

The session will look at simple self care and well-being strategies as well as recognising and managing signs of stress and overwhelm and creating a calm and productive work environment for yourself and any employees.

The session will also include a guided relaxation meditation.

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