SURE Solutions is an industrial refrigeration business that designs, installs and maintains refrigeration solutions for large food suppliers throughout the UK. Its primary aims are to deliver quality, innovative and energy efficient solutions for its customers.
The company started trading in August 2016 and is run by directors Garry Shaw and Rob Wharton in Birkenhead, Wirral. Amongst its clients are blue-chip companies including Muller UK, Cranswick Group, Bakkavor Group and Youngs Seafoods.
SURE joined the Business Growth Programme to help with its expansion plans. The programme is designed to build confidence and capacity in local SMEs by providing direct advice, guidance and information to provide a clear route to sustainable growth. The support it offers can cover business development, financial planning, human resources, international trade, operational review, sales and marketing.
The programme supported the company in creating a Quality Management System in preparation for ISO 9001 accreditation and provided key introductions to various external Liverpool City Region (LCR) programmes such as New Markets 2 and Skills for Growth. Further business engagement supported the directors in finding suitable office space and introductions to new suppliers.
The support has also contributed towards the creation of five full-time equivalent employees, with more in the pipeline, and the company was shortlisted for the Wirral Business Awards, Newcomer of the Year award.
You can find out more about SURE Solutions on its website and more about the Business Growth Programme here.
The Local Growth Hub is funded by the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth programme 2014-2020. The Department for Communities and Local Government is the Managing Authority for European Regional Development Fund. Established by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, business, create jobs and local community regenerations.