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Housing association’s support boosts uptake in vaccination programme

Over 1,500 local people received their COVID-19 vaccination earlier this month, thanks to the support of Pine Court Housing Association’s bi-lingual colleagues.

As part of the Government’s latest #LetsGetVaccinated campaign, Pine Court Housing Association partnered with the NHS and Liverpool’s Pagoda Chinese Community and Youth Centre.

The collaboration between the three organisations aims to encourage Liverpool’s Chinese community and wider to get vaccinated.

Pine Court Housing Association’s employees continue to support pop-up vaccination clinics, providing a unique language translation service for the NHS and Liverpool’s Chinese community.

Zi-Lan Liao, Chief Executive of the Pagoda said: “A big thanks for lending your employees to help out with the pop-up vaccine clinic and helping to keep the community safe.”

As a registered social landlord for over 35 years, Pine Court Housing Association are committed to the positive promotion of cultural cohesion.

David Brown, Operations Director at the housing association said: “I’m incredibly proud of our bi-lingual colleagues, who are integral in delivering our organisation’s commitment to its customers and community.”

“Thanks to the support of our bi-lingual team, our local community can access all important services such as these vaccination programme. Since being formed in 1986 we’ve not only continued to provide high quality housing for Liverpool’s Chinese and South-East Asian communities, but we’ve also continued to go above and beyond, ensuring our customers remain centric to everything we do.”

The pop-up vaccination clinic will continue throughout December and January to support the COVID-19 booster programme.

Those interested in a booster vaccination are encouraged to visit the NHS website to book an appointment. For more information on Pine Court Housing Association visit