Community-based food and welfare support providers are being invited to apply for grants of up to £20,000 to enable them to help local people in need this winter.
A total of £600,000 is available through the Small Grants Programme for frontline groups to help residents struggling with food costs, energy and water bills, and other essentials. Applications for projects that help people in need who might not be able to access other kinds of government support are particularly welcomed.
Wirral Council’s Leader, Cllr Janette Williamson, said:
“Rising food prices and the spiralling cost of energy are having a terrible impact on large numbers of local people, including many who have not needed or sought help before. It is heart breaking to know that so many residents are going hungry and cold, especially now the winter weather has really started to bite.
“The Small Grants Scheme aims to use the knowledge and reach of local frontline groups to quickly deliver help where it is needed most, and give people who are struggling the best chance of managing through these incredibly difficult times.”
The Small Grants Programme is part of Wirral’s Household Support Fund Winter allocation of £3.04 million from the Department for Work and Pensions.
The deadline for applications is 12 Noon on Wednesday 30 November 2022 and successful projects have until 31 March 2023 to spend all of the grant funding they receive.
More information and the online application form are available on the Wirral Council website.