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Wirral’s summer of consultations continues

The next few months are a crucial period in Wirral’s regeneration programme as a series of consultations on schemes to revitalise areas of the borough open up.

The latest consultations follow engagement events asking for people’s views on proposals for Seacombe at Scott’s Quay and Northside, near Wirral Waters (which remains open for contributions until October 2).

Through the remaining summer months and into autumn, there will be opportunities to shape further proposals which will be key in transforming the borough’s Left Bank area of Bromborough, through Birkenhead, Wirral Waters, Seacombe, to New Brighton.

Leader of Wirral Council, Cllr Paul Stuart, said:

“We have an opportunity to develop exciting and transformative proposals, and we need people to tell us what they think. It presents a unique chance to transform our borough positively for the better. I urge all residents and business owners to participate in this transformative change by participating in these consultations.”

Upcoming consultations will be opened for the masterplans and development proposals for:

  • St Werburghs
  • Cleveland Street
  • Birkenhead Town Centre
  • Dock Branch Park and surrounding neighbourhood

Other consultations coming later in the year include:

  • Birkenhead Waterfront (and surrounding areas)
  • Seacombe – Wallasey town hall area
  • New Brighton (Marine Promenade)
  • West Kirby

Cllr Stuart said:

“Right now, these plans are just ideas that are part of a bigger conversation about how we can create the homes, jobs, and enjoyable spaces for people to spend time in. We must be inclusive and seek the views and opinions of all our communities, the people who live, work, or visit Wirral, to understand what they want our area to be like in the future. We must be ambitious, make our borough an even better place to live, raise a family, and have successful businesses while attracting visitors.”

All the proposals coming forward for consultation have also been based on Wirral’s emerging Local Plan.

The consultations will have both online and in person opportunities for people to get involved. Details on timings will be available in coming weeks.

BirkenEd’s Place, the innovative community hub in central Birkenhead, will be the focus point for anyone who wants to drop in and talk about the regenerations proposals in person. Online consultation will be through the council’s Have Your Say website (

Many of the consultations coming forward in the next few months follow on from earlier engagement and have been developed using the feedback from the public and interested parties.