Two options for the future management of Hoylake Beach are now out for a new round of public consultation.
A fundamental consideration in developing the new Hoylake Beach Management Plan are the life-saving operations of the RNLI and their ability to continue to launch and operate from the Hoylake foreshore.
The ‘Access for All’ option proposes the removal of 1.92 hectares of vegetation primarily around the RNLI lifeboat station, but also including the slipways at King’s Gap, Alderley Road, and Trinity Road; a 10m wide strip along the seawall from Clydesdale Road to King’s Gap extending around the Alderley Road slipway and Trinity Road steps and a 10m wide cleared strip from King’s Gap through the vegetation to the sandy beach.
The ’Amenity Beach’ option proposes the removal of just over 3 hectares of vegetation, similar to the ‘Access for All’ option, but with a larger area of ‘amenity’ beach being provided towards Trinity Road.
Both options being put forward include proposals for differing levels of vegetation removal in order that some amenity space can be retained at the beach and that safe access can be provided for the RNLI for their life-saving operations.
Maps showing a visual representation of what both options would look like are available on the council’s consultation website, as are other related documents and information.
Information will also be available to view in person as they will be displayed at Hoylake Community Centre on consecutive Tuesdays – 27 February and 5 March, between 9am and 6pm in the mini hall.
The online survey residents should complete to say which their preferred option is on the consultation website.
The closing date for submissions is 25 March 2024.
A report, including feedback on the consultation, will go to the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee meeting due in April 2024.
Both options remain subject to further detailed Habitat Regulation Assessments (HRAs) and other evidential reports pending assent from Natural England.