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A Guide to Planning Startup Finance

Starting a new business can be an exciting and challenging time.  Understanding the costs involved, planning and managing your finances from the get go are crucial steps to take for the success and sustainability of your venture.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps of planning startup finance to set a solid foundation for your business.

1. Understand Your Startup Costs

Person holding piece of paper showing graphs with pencil in other hand and book and calculator on desk

Before diving into a new business venture, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the costs involved in launching and operating your startup. These costs may include product development, equipment, infrastructure, technology, marketing, legal fees, rent, utilities, and salaries. Conduct thorough research to create a comprehensive budget estimating your initial and ongoing expenses as accurately as you can.

2. Determine Your Funding Needs

Once you’ve identified your startup costs, assess your funding requirements to cover these expenses and sustain your business until it becomes profitable. Explore different funding options, such as savings, loans, grants, angel investors, crowdfunding, or strategic partnerships, depending on your business model, industry, and growth plans. Choose the funding sources that align with your goals.

3. Create Financial Projections

Develop realistic financial projections that forecast your startup’s potential income, expenses, and cash flow for the first few years of operation. Use data gathered through market research, industry benchmarks, and growth assumptions to inform your projections. Your financial projections will not only guide your budgeting and investment decisions but also demonstrate your business’s potential to investors and stakeholders.

People looking at paper with pencils in hand and laptops nearby

4. Build a Contingency Plan

Let’s be honest, running a business can be unpredictable, and unexpected challenges or setbacks can arise at any time. Prepare for unforeseen circumstances by creating a contingency plan and setting aside a financial cushion to weather any storms that may come your way. Having a safety net in place will provide you with peace of mind and ensure the resilience of your startup during turbulent times.

5. Manage Cash Flow Effectively

Three people sat around a table with laptops

Cash flow management is critical for the survival of startups, especially in the early stages when revenue may be inconsistent. Monitor your cash flow closely, track incoming and outgoing funds, and optimise your payment cycles to maintain a healthy cash position. Implement strategies to keep on top of chasing debtors, minimise expenses, and negotiate favourable terms with suppliers and vendors to improve your cash flow.

6. Invest in Growth Wisely

As your startup gains traction and builds potential to scale, consider how you will allocate your resources strategically to fuel growth and expansion. Invest in areas that drive the most value and align with your long-term objectives, whether it’s product development, marketing campaigns, talent acquisition, or infrastructure upgrades. Prioritise investments that generate a positive return on investment (ROI) and contribute to sustainable growth.

7. Seek Professional Advice

Navigating the complexities of startup finance can be challenging, especially for first-time entrepreneurs. Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from financial advisors, accountants, lawyers, and mentors who can offer valuable insights and expertise. Surround yourself with a supportive network of professionals who can help you make informed financial decisions and steer your startup towards success.

Two people at a computer

LCR Finance Hub are a local service you can turn to for specialist advice on sources of finance for business.

Ready to get started?

Visit the Liverpool City Region Start Up Support pages to access information, advice and support

This project is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority as the lead authority and delivered by the borough’s six Local Authorities.

Halton Borough Council, Knowsley Council, Liverpool City Council, Sefton Council, St Helens MBC and Wirral Council logos

Funded by UK Government, Liverpool City Region & Metro Mayor and Growth Platform logos