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Recently announced as ‘Ones to Watch’ for ‘Developing a Sustainable and Industrial Future’ on the Growth Platform’s inaugural #AmbtiousLCRList, Make C.I.C. are breathing new life into Huyton’s high street.

Make C.I.C. is an innovative social enterprise, established in 2012 by Directors Liam Kelly and Kirsten Little with the mission to help people turn their passions into prosperity by creating vibrant maker spaces throughout the region.

With venues already established in Liverpool at the North Docks in Vauxhall and another in Birkenhead, Make describe themselves as “a place to share skills, make, fix and create; to learn and to teach; to try and tweak.”

Make CIC combine high tech ideas with traditional crafts; experienced hands with new skills. It’s a place to collaborate and create; a magnet for creatives, makers, dreamers and doers.

Through accessing High Growth Innovation Funds as part of the LCR High Growth Programme, Make CIC has set up an accessible innovation lab in Huyton Village. The lab offers local residents, entrepreneurs and innovators the opportunity to use innovation equipment to further projects; by testing, prototyping, experimenting and innovating.

The space will provide access to some fundamental equipment required for early stage innovation work, such as prototyping, experimentation and proof of concept. This equipment will provide opportunities sparsely available in the region and not currently at all in Knowsley.

Make CIC identified access to equipment, expertise, support and community as key barriers for people on innovation journeys and proximity to that as a critical factor.

Taking over a large retail until, Make’s third maker space is breathing new life into vacant town centre properties, now economically productive in new ways.

CEO of Make, Liam Kelly said:

“Being involved in the LCR High Growth Programme has been a game-changer for our business. It’s given us the chance to make our vision a reality by setting up the ‘innovation lab’ right in the heart of Knowsley’s Huyton Village town centre. This lab is all about accessibility, providing local residents, entrepreneurs, and innovators with a fantastic space to bring their projects to life. From testing and prototyping to experimenting and innovating, we’re thrilled to offer the opportunity for everyone to utilise high quality innovation equipment.”

The LCR High Growth Programme was specifically designed to support high growth (or high growth potential) businesses in the Liverpool City Region to adapt, innovate, and grow.

The High Growth Innovation Fund is part of the LCR High Growth Programme that was part funded by ERDF and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and delivered by Growth Platform – Liverpool City Region Growth Company.

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