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Stobart Energy (part of the Stobart Group), has now become Esken Renewables with headquarters remaining in Widnes

The new name is taken from parent company Esken and the addition of Renewables reflects its focus on supporting the UK’s circular economy by supplying renewable fuel across the country.

The change of name follows Esken’s decision to sell the Eddie Stobart and Stobart trademarks to Eddie Stobart logistics in 2020. Following this, the Stobart Group changed its name to Esken.

Esken Renewables Lorry

Esken Renewables is the UK’s number one supplier of biomass fuel – which is processed from waste wood and by products and delivered to a large number of power plants and its role in the low carbon economy is hugely significant if the UK is to reach its target of Net Zero by 2050.

Richard Jenkins, CEO of Esken Renewables explained: “We will now share the name Esken with our parent company, reflecting our importance to the wider group. The name Esken is taken from an ancient British word that means ‘to ascend, climb and rise’.

“We chose Renewables because both our present and our future is focused on this important work; supplying renewable fuel to the UK. Right now we are the UK’s largest supplier of a critical renewable fuel – biomass. In the future, we aim to establish further opportunities to use our expertise and infrastructure to supply other types of renewable fuel.”

Esken Renewables workers

Esken (formerly Stobart Group) has been partners of Growth Platform for over a decade and remains committed to continuing its partnership under Esken Renewables.

It is fully supportive of the local Clean Growth agenda and Growth Platform’s aspirations to make Liverpool City Region greener and more sustainable. At a strategic level it has representation on the Local Enterprise Partnership’s Clean Growth Board.

Taking its partnership forward it hopes to get its messages clearly across to businesses and encourage others in the supply chain to take the path to Net Zero – networking and raising the profile of the new brand plays a key role in that.

In recent news, the company helped the UK to avoid over 600,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions last year. This is because it takes its waste wood from the construction industry as well as household waste from recycling centres that would otherwise be sent to landfill where it would release methane gas over time.

Visit their new website at –