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In 2022, diversity and inclusion (D&I) is a top priority for most organisations which recognises its importance as a key component of an effective environmental, social and governance (ESG) framework.

With this in mind, DLA Piper’s Employment group is pleased to launch a 15 minute D&I index. Our index will assist your organisation in identifying the key areas of focus for the social aspects of its ESG framework whilst also flagging critical matters impacting on compliance with legal obligations in the UK.

Our index will score your organisation in the following six important areas and also provide you with a Red, Amber or Green rating based on your alignment with best practice:

  • Policies
  • Training
  • Recruitment
  • Inclusive culture
  • Reward
  • Leadership

You will also have the option to download a report outlining your results as a useful point of future reference for identifying measures to develop and improve your D&I strategy. Your responses will also enable us to share with you how you benchmark against other businesses in your sector.

If you have any questions about your D&I strategy or our D&I index, please do not hesitate to contact or