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The City of Liverpool College (COLC) has introduced a brand-new role that will play a pivotal part in the development of the organisation’s equality and diversity curriculum, underlining the College’s commitment to improving student outcomes.

Dr Monica Chavez has been appointed Director of Social and Cultural Curriculum and will oversee activities relating to social and cultural capital, as well as supporting the resilience of students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

In the newly formed role, Monica will be responsible for developing and implementing development strategies, while also ensuring the College continues to further its already-existing mission to be an organisation characterised by its social inclusion, equality and diversity work.

Monica joins the College with a wealth of experience in teaching and development, including her role as Senior Consultant and Educational Lead at British Council, and most recently her position at the University of Liverpool as Educational Developer.
Originally from Mexico, Monica moved to the UK in 2005 as an international student and has first-hand experience of the challenges a person of colour faces when entering the professional world.
This transition inspired her to work alongside international students at Liverpool International College and now students at the COLC, to help increase confidence and work to remove the negative messages society has instilled into students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Through Monica’s appointment, City of Liverpool College aims to highlight there is opportunity for everyone, regardless of background, race or ability.
Welcoming the appointment, Elaine Bowker, Principal at The City of Liverpool College, said:
“I am excited to welcome Monica to The City of Liverpool College as our Director of Social and Cultural Curriculum. Her wealth of knowledge and expertise, as well as her first-hand experience, makes her the best person to build on our existing strengths and achievements, and to ensure that the College forges ahead with our commitments to creating an environment in which everyone is able to flourish beyond their studies.

“This is a priority area of focus for us, which we think has the potential to be transformative for our students. Monica’s role will be fundamental to giving our students the social and cultural capital to be able to thrive in their environments.”

Monica Chavez said:

“My role as Director of Social and Cultural Curriculum at The City of Liverpool College, is one which aligns all of my career missions and purposes, and allows me to further the already amazing work that the College does.

“My mission is about bringing opportunity and success to everyone, no matter what you look like, where you come from, what has happened to you, whether you grew up disadvantaged, your race, gender or if you have a disability. It is about opening up the same opportunities to everyone.

“More importantly, I want to help students come up with their own definition of what success means to them, and to help them achieve their version. We all have different visions for success, but in five years’ time, I want to see that the students are living theirs, whatever that means to them.

“The key to success is being truly thankful of who you are, of what you have received, of what you have done for others and what you have done for yourself.

“It doesn’t matter what life has handed you. What does matter is how you grow, and what qualities and skills you cultivate. Ability matters, but not so much when compared to your commitment and attitude. Find good people, grow as fast as you can, and find your purpose. Success is within everyone’s reach.”