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Unlock Opportunities for Business Growth Through Tendering - Fully Funded Support

This introductory-level programme will enable you to ‘put your best foot forward’ with a logical approach.

Register your interest here

High value supply chains have the potential to strengthen businesses and communities.

A supply chain is a network of companies and people involved in the delivery of a product or service. This spans from the raw materials to the finished product and  will involve a number of procurement processes.

Operating in new supply chains can offer a huge growth opportunity to a wide range of businesses. As well as being a new alternative business development stream, it can significantly de-risk the profile of a business by diluting its reliance upon particular sectors and customers.

Often part of entering new supply chains means exploring avenues around procurement and responding to tenders. This can be a complicated area to navigate but in order to help businesses do this effectively – we have created an “Introduction to Tendering Programme”

Register Interest

Register for a Workshop

Please note these workshops are exclusively available as part of the Liverpool City Region Supply Chain Support Programme

Procurement Opportunities

Below you will find a wealth of information that can help you discover and bid effectively for new business opportunities. This toolkit aims to equip you with the necessary knowledge and resources to optimize your bidding processes and increase your chances of success.

What is procurement?

Procurement refers to the process of acquiring goods, services or works from external sources. The goal of procurement is to obtain the necessary resources at the right quality, quantity, price and time to meet an organisations needs. Effective procurement practices can help organisations optimise costs, mitigate risks and ensure timely delivery of goods and services.

Where can I find business opportunities?

Below, you will find a range of resources that can assist you in discovering business opportunities.

Proactis logo

Find a Tender Service
FTS is the home of higher value, public contract opportunities (tenders) within the UK.

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The Chest
The Chest is an on line portal for suppliers to register their interest and receive email updates on potential opportunities.

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Crown Commercial Service logo

Crown Commercial Sourcing Tool
The eSourcing tool can help you supply to, or buy for the public sector compliantly.

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My Tenders logo

My Tenders
Free access to public buyer contract opportunities

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GOV.UK logo

Contracts Finder
Search for information about government agency contracts worth over £12,000.

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CompeteFor Logo

Compete For
Matches buyers and suppliers in the supply chains of major infrastructure projects.

Find out more

Further Supply Chain/Procurement Support

For further Supply Chain support please contact Craig Donaldson, Supply Chain Executive

Contact Craig

This project is funded/ part funded by the government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Funded by UK Government, Liverpool City Region & Metro Mayor and Growth Platform logos