Your official Tourist Board: Supporting our vibrant visitor economy.
There’s no doubt that Liverpool City Region is a place that people want to be. In fact, more than 60 million people visit the cultural, musical and sporting landmarks that make up this vibrant region every year. The visitor economy alone contributes over £4.9 billion every year to local businesses which employ around 57,000 people.
It’s no surprise that Growth Platform is firmly committed to keeping the heartbeat of the region’s visitor economy going – particularly given challenging times. As the official Tourist Board (or Destination Management Organisation – DMO) for Liverpool City Region, we work in partnership with both the private and public sector to develop the potential of our visitor economy.
We can provide you and your business with the opportunity to:
- Access visitor economy research and intelligence that supports decision-making and increases commercial income
- Access external funding opportunities to boost your businesses growth opportunities
Local Visitor Economy Partnership
In April 2023, VisitEngland approved the Liverpool City Region application to be one of the first Local Visitor Economy Partnerships (LVEPs) in the country. The LVEP provides an important opportunity for us to work across the city region to promote the visitor economy sector and tourism offer. Find out more about LVEPS.
Find out more about the LCR LVEP BoardA new Destination Management Plan has now been developed by the pioneering Local Visitor Enterprise Partnership (LVEP) that sets out for the first time a unified vision across the city region to further accelerate growth over the next five years.
The comprehensive plan aims to make the region the best place in the UK to ‘visit and stay for a for a day, a week or a lifetime’ by 2030.
Download the Liverpool City Region Destination Management PlanNorth West Research & Strategy
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Liverpool City Region Tourism Awards
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Visitor Economy Week
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Sector Support Programmes and Funding
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